Space Punks Motion Comic & Audio Drama

Cyberpunk for all senses

read it, hear it, watch it... feel it

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For Fans of "Cyberpunk 2077" and "The Expanse"

A new way to experience scifi
With MUSIC BY deus ex composer MICHAEL MCCANN!

A Big THANK YOU to our comic artist Guilherme! You can find more of his work (HERE)

The "Space Punks Universe" is...

A book series, a Comic Series, an audio drama,

a motion comic, and killer merch
ALL in ONE!!

Click on the Book Image Below For The Series

VIP Subscribers get sneak peaks and EXCLUSIVE Art!

Including an Aztec Pinup ;)

Created by the genius SPace Punks

Concept ARtist, Joe Ruiz!


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the creative team

We are a group of sci-fi Enthusiasts dedicated to bringing the cyberpunk genre we love to life. Our team is highly skilled and deeply passionate about their craft.

The Space Punks Team:

An Arcane Fiction Audio Production
Executive Producer: Kari Sutcliffe
Creative director & scriptwriter: Anna Mocikat
Assistant Producer: Saige Hammon
Concept Art: Joe Ruiz
Comic art:
Guilherme Rocha
: Philip Bryan R. Valenzuela
sound design: Mino Alencar
music Score: Michael McCann

based on the novel series
"SPace Punks" by Anna Mocikat

Questions? Please reach out to

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